
Wowos Club

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Blog posts May 2021

Challenges Facing Africa and Nature of African Conflicts

Earlier today In Wowos Political Science Club (WPSC) we discussed the issue of Malema and the African Union debate or argument or should I say fighting. This fighting made me to look deeper into the challenges facing Africa and the Nature of African conflicts. During the WPSC debate, I was also chal…

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Start professing words that give life into your lives

As you know we celebrated 22 years as a club. I am taking you back to an article that was written in May 2010. Our then Senior Editor, Babalwa Ursula Mabope, wrote as follows (I needed to hear this today):  ATT:   WONGA NTSHINGA
           WOWO’S CLUB

Article: May 2010 



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Happy Workers’ Day

1 May 2021



Today, we celebrated the International Workers’ Day in South Africa. Wowos Club would like to salute all the members who are hard workers of this country and we salute you all today, especially those who are our front-line workers – the health workers, retail personnel, pol…

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