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Short Tests for our Children
Grade 7 Natural Science Test (20 marks for 25 min): This test is ideal for anyone who wants to learn about sexual reproduction, including kids going through puberty. Take the test here. Email info@wowosclub.org to request an access code.
William Shakespeare wrote, “Be absolute for death, for either death or life shall be the sweeter”.
Today, I would like us to focus on those members who lost loved ones. Sometimes, we blame ourselves for the loss. We often say I should have done this and that, but the truth is - there is nothing we could have done. It was their time. There is nothing you or I could have done.
Our club has a cohort to help us deal with grieving. It is the Wowos Grieving Club, and we urge you to join us here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GzRYxIfuvOl8nDheFOqx4H.
Never stop believing Wowos!
Warm regards,
Wonga Ntshinga,
Founder and Director
Twitter: @ClubWowos
Instagram: Wowos_Club
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wowosclub
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@wowosclub
WhatsApp Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va4SfTB0rGiL6RdFwP2c