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About Us
Our motto: “Wow...don’t be a number be a member” was created by Bathabile Mthethwa (Most Creative Member – Wowo’s 1st Year Award - 2002)
Mission Statement: “To entertain, advise, teach, and grow together. To be the Best we can be in everything we do!” was created by Ditaba Moeketsi (Best New Comer – Wowo’s 2nd Year Awards – 2003)
Founded on 24/05/1999
Wonga Ntshinga founded Wowo’s Club on 24 May 1999 as a not-for-profit think-tank set up to foster contribution by all to promote a culture of open dialogue. Today, it has over 270 dynamic loyal members, mainly in the Republic of South Africa. Moreover, the club is now available on Social Networks, breaking the geographical constraints!
The key to success for Wowo’s Club has been in the membership! Without members, Wowo’s Club cannot survive, function or flourish.
There are many benefits to joining the club. Here are some examples:
Networking/Collaboration – the club consists of academics, bankers, brokers, business people, engineers, IT specialists, lawyers, librarians, etc., who work together, integrating, and sharing. Thus, members possess complementary skills. Our members work for the following organizations/companies: FNB, Foreign Affairs (RSA), Gauteng Government, Group Five, KPMG, NMMU, Telkom, TUT, Total, SAA, SAP, SASOL, Standard Bank, etc. Thus, you can ask our members for advice on the aforementioned areas, utilizing collective intelligence on the web.
Job Opportunities – Because of networking, you could easily find yourself working for that company you have always wanted to work for, or you could start your own business! A few years back, our Honourable Member Johannes Nakana, employed one of our members Phemelo Modise to join South Deep Mines. So your CV will be tailor-made to suit the job that you are looking for.
Business Opportunities – Many members of Wowo’s Club are business-oriented. A few years back, our Royal Member Mpumelelo Dywili started his business which has become a success to celebrate! We can help you find easy finance for your business. Some of the companies currently operating in Wowo’s Club are Badiramogo Kitsong Consultants Services, Lestronix Enterprise Architectures, Lips, Mzangwe Consulting, Optimum Property Management, Phelaezweni IT Services, Xantini Max-lino Consulting, and Ziningi IT Consulting. In addition, Esther Mogashane (Lips) recently won the SACCI Woman in Business Award 2011.
Investment Opportunities – Wowo’s Club Members never miss out on investment opportunities. Instead, they know and invest in the latest opportunities.
Market Place – if you think of selling or buying faster, you could reach up to 300 members since Wowo’s Club is collaborating with other networks.
Free Legal Advice – Wowo’s Club Members get legal advice free of charge 24/7, 365 days.
Current News – Wowo’s Club Members are the first people to hear the breaking news, and hence they keep each other well-informed!
Free E-mail Address – Have your free e-mail address that will read yourname@wowosclub.org. You can also have
forwarding e-mail addresses and group e-mail addresses under the Wowo’s Club Domain.
Information Marketplace – Wowo’s Club Members trades information (i.e. buy, modify, integrate, incorporate into other products, and then sell).
Community – Above all, Wowo’s Club is about playing an essential role in the community. We believe in sharing our resources with the communities. As a result, we have a common culture and mutual trust!
Discover the feedback on Wowos Club
Wowos, you will never be able to measure the height, depth, length, or width of what your love, and support did to me through this whole ordeal and the time I have been in the hospital. As much as I am miles away from home, you guys, you brought home to me in the silver platter, the warmth and closeness at my worst vulnerable hour. I am humbled and indebted to you guys forever. You have shown me that family isn't just blood relations but the love among us. Nangamso bantwana bomthonyama. Ukwanda kwaliwa ngumthakathi ❤❤❤
Lindelwa Nciza
We do have a very reliable source in this group; group members are well-informed, and they know what is going on around them. I'm quite impressed about this group; there is nothing you will enquire about and don't get an answer for, from politics and business to soccer, you name it... nice! - Tsakane Shilubane
You are wonderful people, and you are the first people in my life who are loyal and generous. Keep up the excellent work, and I dearly love you all. I am just waiting for my presents. - Patrick Otto
WOWO's club is full of a DIFFERENT BREED OF BLACK MAN, the one we need to celebrate. A black man who takes the unpopular decision to be focused, committed, and respectful. A black man who rises above the mediocrity of our society, a black man who is self-aware. - Ongopotse Motlhanke
Your club is phenomenal and really motivating. You guys are making a difference in our society, and I would love to be part of that; you are living your divine purpose, and I applaud you. Just imagine if our generation subscribed to your club, the world we live in would become better. - Babalwa Dube
We have had the ups and downs, and some of us left.
We have had ups and downs, yet some of us have been strongly seeking an amicable solution.
We have had differences of opinion, and some of us interpreted it as becoming enemies.
We have had differences of opinion, yet some of us interpreted this as a nature-bound and shared understanding.
We have learned a great deal from common debates.
Yet once more, not all of us had a full view of that window of opportunity to grow.
Guys, enjoy the holidays.
(Special season greetings to the chairman and his family; commitment is your daily bread).
Ramaisa Joseph Khoanyane
And so it has been; the club has become a family that shares everything: sorrows, happy moments, achievements, deaths, and all kinds of celebrations. May we take this time to reflect on the past and gain the necessary strength to look to the future with bright minds. Here is to wishing the club another long and fulfilling six years and more. - Victoria Molapo (Former Group President), nominated Most Improved Member 2005.
Happy belated Birthday to Wowos! You made it possible, and for that, hats off! You've been a pillar of strength for this club. People came and left, but you still hung in there to make it possible. I wish Wowos many more successful years!
Johannes Nakana
I have learnt that an athlete measures his/her success by his/her failures. This means that this person will push himself/herself to the point where he/she fails, and that becomes their measure of success. I am indeed grateful that I am part of this club because it is through the constant push of others that I learn every day. It is through the challenging comments of others that I acquire new knowledge/skills. Therefore, people should not keep quiet about issues, or worse still, nod in agreement when they are not happy with what's being relayed, so for Tsakane and Siya to stay silent would only serve to deny other people a chance to learn. Please keep talking and challenging. It only provides a platform for debate. - Ngoato Thamae
Thank you, guys, for asking me to be part of this fantastic club.
Kind Regards,
Amanda Jonas
I thought it would be great to share with the group that through one of Wowos members, the "lekker" Flo'. I managed to secure a small business deal this past weekend, which, by the look of things, will open other opportunities as well. The company has already invited me to attend one of their conferences, where I will also get the chance to network with some other big guys who can land me one deal or two. This is not big per se, but the excitement is that in life, you can't do it alone, and Wowos has proven this to me a number of times. Under this group, I have secured a number of essential deals that have paid some of my monthly bills. So the message from me is clear: Wowos, do not give up on this club just because things don't happen the way you want but keep on being in the network, and you never know if someone might be in need of your services sooner than you think. Flo' thanx once more, Madam. Wowo's club has more opportunities. - Jabu Mtsweni
I am also very impressed by how informative you guys are. It really lives up to our motto!
Ditaba Moeketsi
There's a mountain of skills and talents here at Wowos - Babalwa Ursula Mabope.